Judit Havelka PhD
Gsm : +32 475 24 19 34
Judit neemt voorlopig geen nieuwe cliënten aan
Professionele achtergrond :
Master klinische psychologie ( U Budapest, Hongarije 1987)
Psychoanalytische training( Budapest, 1985-1992)
Systeemgerichte familietherapeute ( Budapest 1992)
EMDR Level1-level2 ( Antwerpen-Utrecht 1999-2000)
Psychotrauma therapeute ( BIPE, 2010)
Doctor in Psychology PhD ( U Pécs, Hongarije 2012)
Supervisor EMDR ( Integrativa, 2012)
EMDR EU training facilitator ( 2013, Integrativa)
Psychotrauma therapeute (Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma NtVP ,2016)
EMDR EU trainer, ( EMDR Europe, EMDRIA 2017)
lid van VVKP, EMDR Belgium, Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NtVP), president van EMDR Hongarije
Erkenningsnummer Psychologencommissie : 612108050
Samenwerkingsovereenkomst met Christelijke Mutualiteiten, Onafhankelijke Mutualiteiten, De Voorzorg.
Ervaring met psychotherapie van volwassenen met klachten als: Posttraumatische stoornis (PTSS), alle soorten van trauma-relateerde klachten, zoals angsten, fobieën, dissociatie, prestatie-problemen, trans-generatieve trauma-overdracht.
April, 2016: “EMDR in practice”
Paradigma, Reviewof the Hungarian Association of Family -and Relation therapy
2016/1, 28-35
Budapest, Hungary
March, 2015: “EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) Reprocessing therapy with bilaterale stimulation”
In“I would have liked if he had not hurt” - childhood trauma in the family: Theory and Therapy. Ildiko Szabo Kuritárné and Tisljár-Szabó Eszter (red) 291-312.
Oriold és Társa KFT
Budapest, Hungary
September, 2010: “EMDR: Method of psychotherapy for the treatment of trauma”
Psychiatria Hungarica 25,3,2010:243-250.
Budapest, Hungary
March, 2009: “ Surviving of horrors”
Pannonhalmi Szemle
2009 (XVII) 1 / 1
Pannonhalma, Hungary
August, 2008: “On the characteristics of post-traumatic disorders, on the difficulties in working through traumatic experiences, and on new approaches in the therapy of working with trauma”
Pszichoterápia, 17, 2008, 4
Budapest, Hungary
September, 2006:“How large are you beside a fireman? trauma processing with EMDR as an episode in a child therapy
Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 44,2006,3.
De Tijdstroom
Utrecht, The Netherlands
February, 2002:“A technique for trauma processing: Desensitization with eye movements (EMDR)”
Kind – en Adolescent psychotherapie, 2001/1
Budapest, Hungary
May, 1991:“ So...it is an island?”
( experiences of a psychotherapeutic group in a youth prison)
in: “ Handbook for Social Workers/3”
Budapest, Hungary